Saturday, June 11, 2011

A sampler?

15 miles per hour sounds like a nice, leisurely pace to see the country, doesn't it?

It's not. We feel almost rushed. We spend some time each day talking over all the places we will spend some real time exploring one day. We could probably be happy spending a couple of weeks almost every place we have been. This is a truly amazing country.

People talk to you when you're on a bike. Even at home I have noticed how often I am asked for directions when I ride; out here people in cars honk & wave, people ask about our plans and offer advice, sympathy, encouragement - but no envy just yet. It's as if the two wheels remove a barrier.

Today we set out in the direction of Whitefish with no intention of getting all the way. Aline planned to meet us late in the afternoon & to drive us in. She then planned to take us back in the morning so we can complete the continuous mileage. She showed up early. She had taken a different & supposedly more scenic route & had encountered so much rain she assumed we would be happy to be rescued. As it happened we were blissfully unaware of that weather. We had some beautiful clouds but not a drop of rain.

On the other hand, not all was bliss. This is really catching up with Bruce. He has never before chosen to subject himself to more than 10 days, or to more than 50 miles a day. It really adds up. He had slowed down quite a bit yesterday just before I headed on to Libby. Today he never really had much fun. He loved the scenery. Montana is truly beautiful. But he was pretty uncomfortable. We stopped a lot. So when Aline came along he hopped in and, once again, I chose to keep going. I rode about 17 miles farther & we all drove to our very pleasant hotel. Tomorrow he and Aline will drop me back at that mile marker and I will ride the rest of the way- only about 35 miles. The two of them will go to Glacier, which is just down the road, and do something easy. The following day will be a planned rest day.

Bruce is relieved that I am comfortable doing the ride alone. I didn't tell him I spotted an ice cream shop on the way into town.

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