Sunday, June 12, 2011

Just sitting around

It feels pretty good, too.

We figured out that rest day really needs to mean rest. At least until we get used to this riding every day stuff.

Not that today is a rest day. But Bruce and Aline kindly drove me & my bike out to where I left off yesterday and sent me on my way. They headed over to Glacier and are not back yet.

When we got up the sky looked pretty dark & ominous, but by the time we got in the car it was much better. No rain on the way over. The first several miles were on a shoulder-free stretch of Rte 2, but this is Montana. It's a big deal when cars pass in both directions at the same time. It was mostly down hill and entirely scenic. Then there's a bike path that wanders through marshlands for over 10 miles and takes you right into Kalispell and drops you about two blocks from where I wanted to be: the first Baskin-Robbins I have seen since we left. Then onto Rte 93 that takes you onto its nice wide shoulder, lulls you for a bit, then throws an almost concealed drain cover at you just as the pick-up truck behind you decides to pull towards you & turn right in front of you.

Can't all be perfect, I guess.

I made it through & felt good and ready to push - adrenaline is a wonderful thing - which lasted right through the time when I noticed the big gray clouds looming up on the left. I outran them! Adrenaline & down hill - what a combination! Only about 20 drops caught me.

Back to our nice room. Time to read, to eat, to do the laundry, to wander around online.

Miles yesterday 67, today 38.

Total so far 674.

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